Find great deals on ebay for model boat plans in radio-controlled boats and hovercraft. shop with confidence.. Model boat plans ready to download for instant access. no wait for the mail to arrive.. The model pt boat site. operational 1/20th scale torpedo . the almost finished resin cast model . the objective is an operational 1/20th scale ww2 us navy mkxiii torpedo complete with dual counter-rotational propellers, this is almost complete as the photo's above and below show. i have a completed and relatively easy to make single prop model.
All plans come with a full set of pdf files (adobe reader files) from the parts themselves to the general arrangement plan. all individual parts are full size and labeled so there is no confusion as to which part you have.. Free boat plans, boat plan resources, and free cad boat drawing file downloads. Buy heller torpedo boot t23 boat model building kit: ships & submarine kits - free delivery possible on eligible purchases.